Are you skipping an important step in your creation process?


verything has its own unique signatory vibration—its own energy pattern. Everything. That includes the energy of celebration. Are you celebrating all of your creations?

Celebration completes an energetic circle. It’s a recognition that something that has begun is now complete in its transition. It’s now moving into something brand new. This is easy to see in our life by the ways we celebrate: weddings, the birth of a baby, retirement, new home, new job, birthdays, graduation from school programs, rites of passages, and celebration of life ceremonies at the end of life.

It's also just as important to celebrate every completion or shift in your consciousness whether it’s a tangible form—such as the way my hubby and I celebrate every end of his farm planting season, or an awareness brought to light on an old pattern that is now transformed—such as you will no longer tolerate being treated with disrespect by yourself or anyone else. These inner recognitions of transformation need to be celebrated too, possibly more so.

Why is it important to celebrate?

Energy-wise, it completes and closes a circle or loop created with a specific type of energy. Closing this loop with celebration (joy energy) is the final step in the recognition of this experience is now complete and transform to something new. The energy then dissipates from your unique field as it is no longer needed.

Without celebration, the energy hangs there because you as the creator have not honored the completion, the growth you gained by the experience, the understanding of the experience. The experience energy falls flat compared to closure through celebration. And you will definitely feel the difference.

Once an experience is recognized as whole—benefits, growth, understanding, then celebrated, your energy field is free of the “old” creation energy and opens to a vast space of possibilities. As your awareness deepens to your unique creation process, you consistently and accurately call in your best ones.

So, celebrate, my friend. Celebrate all your wins, your understandings, your completions. Celebrate the fine job you are doing with your life without waiting and without fear of getting anything wrong. There’s nothing too small to celebrate because your life is never ever small. And you’ll know this, once you celebrate.    

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment