Scream Therapy? Does it work?


When frustration and anger build in our bodies without release, the energy gets trapped in our liver. In ancient times, the Chinese found that by using the primal scream the blocked emotions released and the body came back into balance. They discovered yelling was good for the lungs and the liver.

Primal scream was popularized as Scream Therapy in the 1970’s as a way to relieve tension, stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, pain, depression, overwhelm, and self-doubt. New research shows that it also increases strength and stabilizes our core. That’s why you’ll notice people at the gym will give a little grunt or yell before strenuous exercise, or tennis players let go with a loud grunt as they hit the ball. It gives them added stability and strength.

What I’ve noticed during my session work that when anger and frustration build in a person, it usually equals a blow up at someone close to them—children, spouse, partner, pet, neighbor, sibling, co-worker, boss, etc.

Anger is a big emotion. It holds a TON of space in your body and is a huge force when expelled. It comes out like a ROARING TRAIN and will level anything and everything in its track. Afterward, the person doing the yelling feels pretty good, but the other person is traumatized because the human scream activates a fear response deep in the mind of the person getting yelled at.

I’m a huge fan of consciously controlled screaming for yourself (not at someone else). If you feel anger or any of the other big emotions building inside you, it’s time to open up that voice chakra and let off some steam in a harmless way before you end up hurting someone. Here’s some of my suggestions:

  • Scream into a pillow.

  • Turn the radio up full volume and sing at the top of your lungs. You don’t need the words, just let the sound come out. Loud.

  • Once you get into your car after work, scream as loud as you can all the way home (or all the way to work).

  • Get a screaming buddy and scream together. Scream until you feel calm.

Scream until the pressure releases and you feel good. Know this is a viable, easy way to be compassionate and loving to yourself, your body, and your loved ones. Bottom line, scream therapy works.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment