Two ways to regain sanity


Feeling a little crazy lately? Maybe moodier than usual and not yourself? Something big and uncomfortable and perhaps a little scary building inside you?

Here’s two ways to gain balance and improve your mood almost instantly:

  1. Turn off the television, the news feeds, social media, texting, emails.

  2. Get out in nature.

Nature, in my view, is a giant vibrational image of God/Source/Creator. You might look at a tree, or a sky of bright fluffy clouds, or a butterfly and not realize you’re seeing God because God’s like that. Subtle. Let’s you notice all on your own. Means more that way.

But when you’re out in nature, out walking a trail, you’re going to notice you feel different. More grounded, centered, peaceful. More sane, less troubled. That’s how you know there’s a force, a vibrational field that lives in nature and in you. At your core essence you recognize a pure egoless quality to nature which is also you. The recognition that it’s all the one force is what heals. Nothing is separate.

Take your time when walking a trail. Stroll. Relax. Breathe. Absorb. Move in mindfulness. Hug a tree. Lie on a rock. Listen to the wind. Feel the sun on your face. Talk to a bird.

Connect with the God/Creator/Source in you through the vibrational essence of all that is naturally created and you will regain your sanity.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment