Do you know how to bridge your spiritual essence with your physical form?


There are many ways to enhance your spiritual connection so you feel grounded in your body. Meditation, yoga, music, etc. Without grounding into the nature of you—the vibrational essence commonly called God/Source/Creator/Intuition/Highest Power/All, we tend to feel lost, scattered, uninspired, unwell, lonely as if something is missing. Life becomes dull, burdensome, and anxiety driven, instead of joyful enthusiasm.

I have a new technique (of course I do 😉) to help you bridge this perceived gap. I say “perceived gap” because you can’t ever be separated from your Spirit, but you can feel as if you are sometimes.

For this technique, you’re going to use your imagination. Stand tall and sturdy with your legs a bit apart, feet flat on the ground. Stretch your arms up past your head, hands flat and open, fingers pointing skyward.

Now imagine yourself as a tree. Imagine your roots soaking in the earth’s pure fresh water, the minerals you need from the soil, and all that beautiful earth energy you need to grow and maintain your amazing body.

Imagine all this good stuff coming up through your body, the trunk of your being. Imagine what this pure, vital energy would feel like. Do you feel anything? What do you suppose it would feel like to bring up all the minerals and water and energy from the earth into your trunk, then out your branches (arms) and out your leaves (hands)?
Now shine all this good energy out your leaves and offer it to the sun because the sun doesn’t know the earth as you do. Imagine and invite the sun to come into your leaves and into your body with its healing warmth, filling you up with its energy. What would that feel like?

Then send this healing energy out through your roots into the rich soil as you become the bridge between the sun and the earth, between your heavenly spiritual essence and your physical form. What does that feel like?

This is a very powerful grounding exercise that consciously connects your body to your spiritual essence. It’s simple and fun, and something your children and grandchildren will enjoy too.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.