Engage inner wisdom with this one question


I’ve got a little tip for you today that’s super useful if you need answers to questions but they don’t seem forthcoming.

First, know that every answer you ever need is already within you. It’s stored in your subconscious—the vast, mostly unexplored and underutilized space that is the authentic you. This innate wisdom lives in ever cell of your being.

You can prove this is true by noticing how your body continues functioning without your conscious instructions. For instance, you don’t have to tell your heart to keep beating, right? No. That’s innate wisdom. You don’t have to remind your tongue to taste, your skin to cover an open wound, or your liver to produce bile for the same reason—innate wisdom.

These body functions and so much more are part of the subconscious that already knows how to do everything in the best, most efficient way which includes the answers to your questions.

In session, I’ll ask a client a question and the usual response is, I don’t know. That’s simply the conditioned mind that believes it can’t possibly know because it’s been programed to believe it can’t.

So, I have the client lightly rub their fingertips up and down their arm and I ask: If you could know, what would the answer be? And, much to their surprise, they pop right out with it.

Touching your skin puts you in direct contact with your subconscious that does know everything about you and stores the information in your cellular DNA. Asking if you could know, gets the programmed mental mind out of the way.

Try this technique for yourself whenever you need an answer and get nothing but crickets. Gently touch your skin and ask: If I could know, what would the answer be?

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment