One way to curb negative thinking


Did you know there’s a section of your brain that notices negative stimuli before positive? The amygdala. Its primary role is the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events including fear, anxiety, and aggression.

The amygdala was designed that way evolutionary-wise, because early humans had to be alert to lurking dangers if they wanted to survive.

Although we’re no longer running from saber-toothed tigers, mainstream media still preys upon us by aggressively stimulating our amygdala. I get it. I understand the why. Mainstream media must turn a profit. It must win rating wars and secure advertising. That means it must grab your attention and keep it. It does it by fear programming that goes directly to the part of your brain created to accept the negative first and bank the emotional event as memory.

It doesn’t matter how many affirmations you say in front of a mirror, you can’t watch the news and be positive. You can’t choose to end negative thinking if you’re plugged into a system designed to shock and scare you into believing everyone on the planet (including the planet!) is killing people.

Your positive intentions, over time, will always be beaten by environment. Your mind will default to what you know, what it accepts as normal. Mainstream media has a huge unconscious impact on how we view life, because it’s programming our amygdala so our view of the world is slanted toward the negative and fearful.

I know this seems a bit far-fetched. I wish it were. But I listen to a lot of people who shake their heads in sad disgust and tell me they can’t understand “what’s gotten into people. How has everyone gotten so crazy? You can’t trust anyone.”

And I say, “Have you been watching the news?” The answer is always yes.

Your thoughts and feelings create your understanding of the world and the people in it. They, with your power of action, are your own unique and priceless tools of creation. You must diligently edit the information you allow to influence your thoughts and feelings to have balance.

If you want to feel more positive about your life, turn off the news and get out in nature. You’ll feel better, and it’ll improve your sleep and relationships. If you must watch programmed media, keep in mind something my son said to me long ago—the reason the stories we see in the media are news is because they’re so rare.

P.S. Here’s a YouTube video on social conformity I thought interesting. Says a lot about environment. Social Conformity - Brain Games - YouTube

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment