Got pain? Two methods to relieve it


There are so many people right now with headaches, migraines, aching joints, frozen joints, back pain, neck pain, leg pain, foot and ankle pain, hot flashes, and so on. Of course, check with your doctor, but most of these symptoms are typical of your body adjusting to changes you are making in your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies that are more in alignment with who you are as an authentic Soul Self.

This can feel uncomfortable and confusing at first. Especially since all these aches and pains just seem to “show up” out of the blue without a cause you can pinpoint. It’s not age. Our young ones are experiencing these symptoms too.

But you can help your body feel better by releasing these temporary blocks in its energy field. An energy block feels like pain in an area of your body. Here are two great ways to release them.  

Method 1:

  1. When I feel someone’s back, arm, leg, foot, I find what feels like little round BBs. They hurt when you push on them. These are energy blocks in the person’s biofield. Examine your body. Push into your skin with your fingers, sliding along your arms, feet, legs like a massage therapist would do. You’ll feel these small bits of blocked energy.

  2. These blocks will easily dissolve by firmly pushing your finger into them. It may hurt a bit, but take deep breaths through it. Within a minute or two, you’ll start to feel them soften as your finger sinks further and further into your skin.

  3. Keep breathing and pushing until the block is completely gone. The pain will be gone too.

Method 2:

  1. The diagram shows the parallel energy lines that make up the energy body closest to your physical body. It’s called the etheric body. Use your fingers and firmly rake through your body, pulling down in a parallel movement as the diagram shows.

  2. Rake your arms, legs, torso. Have someone rake your back. Massage your head. Use a bit of pressure as you do each part. Notice how tingly and light you feel afterward. Is your pain less? If you find a block, do Method 1 to release it.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment