What can an inspired miracle do for you?

Today I’m thinking about things I think of as inspired miracles:

  • Sleeping babies

  • Smiles

  • Sunrises/sunsets

  • Rainbows

  • Soft kittens

  • Snowflakes

  • Frost on a windowpane

  • Certain songs/music

  • Particular prayers/poetry/writings/stories

  • Golden sunrays through thick green forests

  • The smell of fresh rain, lilacs, cinnamon

  • Soaring eagles

  • Campfires

  • Certain art

  • Starlight, and so much more.

Why are these inspired miracles important? Because for a brief moment you become so immersed in something so real, so authentic that it stops your inner critic dead in its tracks. It’s a full connection that stops time and space, because in that moment you are completely aligned with a realness, an aliveness that lifts you into your own authentic good.

In this moment your heart is peaceful, your breathing is easy, your mind is still. You full attention is on beauty and wonder. You are filled with such appreciation and grace and a fullness of heart that can’t be adequately described.

Welcome home. In this moment you are You. Many spontaneously cry when in this moment. That’s the power of pure love, expressed through pure joy. 

Next time you experience anything that brings you joy, pause for a moment in recognition of the miracle by taking a deep breath, bring your hands to your heart, and say to yourself, “More please.”

This exercise consciously teaches your brain that this is what you want and you are on the lookout for more of this good.

Speaking of aligning with more of your good, I’d like to invite you to join me for my upcoming 4-week online class in March: Uncover and Ignite Your Authentic Power. This course teaches what the 5 core behavior patterns are that keep you stuck in distraction, the 4 steps every master uses to consciously create their reality, belief system hacks that work, and so much more. Here’s what some of the past attendees have created so far:

  • An engagement

  • A dream home

  • A desired job

  • A new sense of calm as an industry leader

  • More energy

  • A sparkling clean and organized pantry, and an online class that fell into her lap to help organize the rest of her home

  • A new freedom to be authentic with clients, which is producing more client referrals

  • A beautiful spiritual space to meditate

  • An amazing number of clients for a new design business

  • The end of victimhood

For more information about this unique one-of-a-kind workshop, click here.

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment