A powerful technique to help you create your ideal world


Intentional focus on what you wish to see is the first step in creating it. Today let’s create a beautiful new world by using clear intent to visualize and feel what you want for your future.

Start with the planet. Imagine the way you want the oceans to look, and the rivers, lakes, forests, deserts, mountains. What does the sky look like? How clear is the air? What is the weather like? How fertile is the soil? How nutritious are the plants? What is our food source? How healthy and plentiful are the animals, sea life, birds, and other earthly life?

Now bring your focus to humanity. What kind of homes/buildings do you want to see us live/work/go to school in? What is our work? How is it supported? How do we support one another? How do we get around/travel? What is our health like? What type of leaders would you like to see in charge? How do they communicate and support one another? How do we educate our children? How happy are they? Do they feel validated? How free are they to express themselves?

Now bring your focus to your own life. How do you fit in this beautiful world you created? See and feel yourself the happiest and most satisfied you’ve ever been, in the most loving and fun relationships, doing exactly what you were born to do. You are co-creating this world by imagining it into reality. You are co-creating this world by feeling it into reality. These are your energy blueprints that make reality.

If you’d like to dive a bit deeper into understanding and using the awesome creative force that IS everything, my 4-week online course about the Unified Field of Consciousness and how you can use it to better your life begins this Saturday, January 23. Click the link to sign up.

Here’s what some of the previous attendees had to say:

  • “This course helped me release me deepest fears and helped me find my truest desire.”

  • “I got my confidence mojo back!”

  • “A cathartic experience!”

  • “The brain hacks really work. I now use the code word ‘banana’ to stop my mind story.”

  • “I’m super aware of how I create now. I approach everything I do with desire and intention, and then take action. It really works!”

  • “More please!”

  • “I learned so much, exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark!”

  • “I’ve shared a lot of this information with my coworkers and their jaws drop. So useful in my day-to-day life.”

  • “I’ve already created a couple things I really wanted.”

And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2021Mary BauerComment