What are you gifting the world?

As I’m writing this letter to you, my beautiful friend, it’s October 30. The election has not yet happened. I’m thinking about all the challenges and changes everyone has been through this year, and want to invite you to think of 2020 as opportunity for expanding your vision for yourself and humanity.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Tip your tail and feel better

October has been a HUGE energy month of support for every thought pattern that triggers emotions, big and small, for our conscious awareness. Soon, we’ll move into what I call the BIG BANG energies of November, which really means the birthing of something new.

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2020Mary Bauer Comment
A technique for facing your fears

I’ve never been one to enjoy scary movies, or people jumping out at me and yelling boo. I don’t like campfire ghost stories, dystopian storylines, or creepy things that go bump in the night. In general, I don’t like the feeling of fear and won’t put myself in the position of creating or listening to manufactured fear.

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2020Mary BauerComment
How to transform negative collective consciousness

Are you feeling a bit more emotional than what seems normal for you? Maybe a little crabbier, or frustrated, or sad, anxious, weepy, even more tired? If so, you’re in good company. All humanity is moving into their emotional energy body to feel what they feel, and transform what no longer works for them. This is happening globally and we can see it playing out through the mounting tensions we are experiencing in nearly every aspect of our lives.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Do you feel like taking a nap after you eat?

There’s a lot of information right now about the importance of gut health. Our digestive system is responsible for breaking down food in order for our body to absorb the nutrients it needs to maintain vitality. Food is body fuel. Food is according to the needs of the body so it maintains optimum function.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Help! My energy is depleted, what can I do?

Have you ever felt exhausted to the point that you could barely function? Or have you ever found yourself feeling depleted and wishing for more energy? I know I have. My guess is almost everyone has at some point in their lives. But, how can this be? We know energy doesn’t turn off. It can’t turn off. It can’t just stop being.

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2020Mary Bauer Comment
Did you know that you’re an alchemist?

I’ve always been interested in alchemy—the transformation or creation of something through a seemingly magical process. As a child I was told the story of Rumpelstiltskin, a quirky little man who could spin straw into gold. Since I lived on a farm and we had bales of straw the color of gold, I spent many hours in frustrated fascination attempting to alchemize my way into riches.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Feeling emotional? The transformative BIG energy and how to use it

You may be feeling a little off, or tired, or cranky, or unmotivated, or struggling, or depressed or “intense” these past few weeks. Basically, ever since we turned the calendar page to July. The energies that are present are HUGE and useful in bringing forward anything within your energy field that is there for you to notice, understand, and see the benefit. Once you do, it lifts from your field and you feel better, lighter.

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2020Mary BauerComment
How to Transform our Waterways from Fear to Love

Last Wednesday a small group of us traveled to the Headwaters of the Mighty Mississippi to implement a new energy technique to help transform the human fear in our waterways to that of Love. Besides our little band, there were LOTS of big Universal energy helpers enveloping our world in loving appreciation as we traveled south from Lake Itasca, ending in Hastings, MN.

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2020Mary BauerComment
Stressed? Drained? Three breakfasts loaded with energy

If I can get personal for a minute—what did you eat for breakfast today? What did you eat yesterday?

No judgment here. I used to eat chocolate cake for breakfast, and if I’m being truthful, I’d still eat it if it was in my kitchen. And yes, I really am that weak when it comes to cake…and chocolate.

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2020Mary Bauer