Do you know how to reverse engineer the fear in our waterways?


The side picture today is courtesy of a beautiful friend of mine. She said a simple blessing before her meal, asked to see signs of God’s presence with her physical eyes and to be open to recognizing them. 

The green energy in her water bottle is the sign she received and she did see it with her eyes.

This is my friend stepping into her authentic nature and asking for what her heart desires. What showed up is her intention/desire in physical form. Her blessing automatically raised the vibration of her water (and all her food) to the perfect match for her body.

You have this same power within you. We all do. And this is why I'll be going to the Mississippi headwaters today (July 15) with a couple other friends to reverse engineer the human vibration of fear flowing through our waterways to that of Love.
Water exists within us and across the entire planet. It has the ability to transform consciousness. My friend’s experience is a beautiful example of what happens when we consciously align with Source in our creations. It literally changes the molecular structure of the object of our focus. The world we see automatically changes to match our new vibration of Love. This something we all can do by setting our intention for our highest and best good for all.
If you’d like to follow along on the Lake Itasca journey, click the link below for more information about this free virtual event. We'll be demonstrating how to raise your vibration and align within yourselves, your lake, pond, pool, water source. This is how we will change the world---one person at a time doing what is in their heart.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment