Feeling overwhelmed? Two solutions


There are a lot of people feeling overwhelmed by their emotions right now, and for good reason. Parents of school-aged children are facing huge decisions about how they want to proceed with their children’s educations. Children of elderly parents are faced with the huge, painful loss of physical contact and connection. Those who wish to celebrate are limited to the number of people they can invite, as are the grieving. People are worried about their jobs, their health, their loved ones, their future.

None of us are immune to the effects of separation and change, but we can have feelings and not let them overcome us. We do this by understanding we are not the feeling itself, but the watcher or witness of the feeling. We say, “I’m feeling sad, but I am not sad. All of me is not sad.”

You can feel sad about a certain thought or experience, but if you look at another thought or experience you might find yourself smiling at the memory. Therefore, sad is something you’re feeling which is attached to a thought you’re thinking. It’s not the real You. The sadness becomes a potential portal for awakening to who you are—a multidimensional being having a human experience you’re calling sad. The authentic God-essence, which is You, is not changed or diminished by an emotion attached to a thought.

Allowing yourself to feel what you do is healthy. Attaching a story to the feeling and then retelling the story over and over is not. Feelings come and go like waves on the ocean if you allow them to. They don’t have to drag you under and keep you pinned to the ocean depths. Here’s a couple simple techniques to keep you from feeling overwhelmed by your emotions:

1. Imagine yourself standing on a train station platform with the train zipping by you. Imagine that a feeling exists inside every compartment, but you don’t step on the train. You just stand on the platform and watch the train go by. You’re simply standing there watching the feelings go by one by one. Take a deep breath, and they’re gone.

2. Draw a big T. Above the T write these words: What can I… On the left side write the word Control. On the right side write the words: Give to Source. Then think of something you’re worried about. Ask yourself, “What can I control about this situation?” Write down what comes to you in the “Control” column. Then ask yourself, “What can I give to Source?” Write those things in the “Give to Source” column. Then let go of what you can’t control knowing the best possible solution is already on its way.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2020Mary BauerComment