Help! My energy is depleted, what can I do?


Have you ever felt exhausted to the point that you could barely function? Or have you ever found yourself feeling depleted and wishing for more energy?

I know I have. My guess is almost everyone has at some point in their lives. But, how can this be? We know energy doesn’t turn off. It can’t turn off. It can’t just stop being.

Source energy is ALL. It’s everything you see and everything you don’t see like oxygen, space, sound, vibration, etc. Source energy is what created the planets, our solar system, our universe, the cosmos. It’s what keeps us grounded on Earth through gravity. Source Energy is Life, and it is turned on at all times. Source Energy is All, all the time. It holds back nothing.

So, why do we feel as if we’re depleted of energy when clearly the rest of the cosmos does not experience lack of energy? This is a good question. Especially since we know the power that created the sun is within us as well, and just think of the power it takes to create a sun!

The reason we feel depleted of energy, at times, is because our mind is drawing a boundary—a limit on our connection to Source Energy. Only through a psychological barrier can you limit what is unlimited. Only a split mind can deny what is so. If you’re connected to Source Energy, you’re energetic.

How do you split your mind? By being in your head instead of your entire energetic field which is mind, body, spirit. Essentially, you’re only listening to one tiny part of you—the whiner, complainer, rationalizer, poor me, worrier, problem-maker. This part of you has no idea about reality. It lives only in the past or the future. Never in this moment of right now. In this moment of right now, everything is possible.

Past/future is a total a fabrication of the freaked-out mind that believes it is always at risk, always in jeopardy, always fearful of its very own creations. If you’re thinking about the past, you’re recalling a memory (based on perception and not accuracy), and you’re doing that right now. If you’re thinking about the future, you’re also doing that right now. And since all of your thoughts and feelings are creative, I encourage you to only think about what you want to see.

Nature is not caught in the past/future illusion. Ask your pet what time it is and it will say, “Time? It’s Now.” Your pet may experience pain, but never suffering because it is not in a past/future illusion. It does not invent stories that are pure fabrication from a suffering mind. Your pet only dies once, while a fearful mind can cause us to die a million times every day.

There is no such thing as energy depletion. Energy does not turn off. If you’re feeling drained in any way, watch my free (short) video Take Back Your Energy. Through the power of your breath, and the power of your name (which is sound), this video demonstrates two super easy ways to feel connected to your energy system. The link is below.     

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2020Mary Bauer1 Comment