Did you know that you’re an alchemist?


I’ve always been interested in alchemy—the transformation or creation of something through a seemingly magical process.

As a child I was told the story of Rumpelstiltskin, a quirky little man who could spin straw into gold. Since I lived on a farm and we had bales of straw the color of gold, I spent many hours in frustrated fascination attempting to alchemize my way into riches.

One of my favorite books about a modern-day alchemist is The Magus of Strovolos: The Extraordinary World of a Spiritual Healer, author Kyriacos C. Markides. The Healer could put his energy inside of a leaf and turn it to bronze, or change metal to gold. He could also heal broken bones and most ailments and disease, depending on the spiritual readiness of the client. Man, who doesn’t want to do that, right?  

And then my Healing Touch mentor reminded me that I, too, am an alchemist. She said, “Mary, what do you think you’re doing when someone comes to you in pain and they leave without pain, or their pain is greatly reduced? What do you call it when someone comes to you feeling bad about themselves and leaves with a whole new understanding that makes them feel good? That’s alchemy.”

Hunh. I guess it is. I am an alchemist. And so are you.

Smile at someone and watch their face brighten, which automatically boosts your mood. Your smile changes everything. You are an alchemist.

Open a door for someone and watch their heart melt, which automatically boosts your mood. Your act changes everything. You are an alchemist.

Spend a few extra moments admiring a beautiful sunset, which automatically boosts your mood. Your appreciation of beauty changes everything. You are an alchemist.

When you walk into a grocery store with a tiny plastic credit card, and walk out with a bag of wholesome food which automatically gives your body a boost, that’s alchemy. You are an alchemist.  

There are so many ways for you to practice alchemy. This week, become aware of how you move in this world as an alchemist.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2020Mary BauerComment