Do you feel like taking a nap after you eat?


There’s a lot of information right now about the importance of gut health. Our digestive system is responsible for breaking down food in order for our body to absorb the nutrients it needs to maintain vitality. Food is body fuel. Food is according to the needs of the body so it maintains optimum function.

Except it’s not. Not the way most of us determine our food fuel. Most of us choose what we eat by taste, which is a conditioned response and has nothing to do with what the body is asking for. The stomach could care less how something tastes, yet it’s super great at telling you what it doesn’t want.

Think of the acid reflux you experience after eating something greasy or rich. If you eat spicy foods, consume a lot of alcohol, or eat bad food, you might have to stay close to the bathroom for a bit. The stomach is literally throwing out what you ingested in the quickest way possible.

So, what is your body saying when you feel like a nap after eating? It’s saying that whatever you ate is going to take a lot of work to digest, and it needs every bit of energy it can muster to do the job. 

Here’s a list of how much time it takes to put certain foods through your digestive system:

  1. Fruit: 90min-3 hours

  2. Raw vegetables: 12-15 hours

  3. Cooked vegetables: 30 hours

  4. Cooked meat: 52-58 hours

  5. Raw meat: 70-72 hours

Question: what happens to the meat you leave on the counter in the summer? It begins to spoil, right? Same thing happens inside of you where it’s summer all the time. Bacteria forms to break things down. I’m not saying don’t eat meat. I’m saying be aware of how your body works. Understand that it takes a lot more effort to break down meat versus fruits and vegetables, so you’re going to feel lethargic during the process unless you’re physically super active.

For optimum digestion, here’s a list of high energy foods:

  1. Winter melon (Ash gourd)

  2. Black pepper

  3. Honey

  4. Fruits

  5. Vegetables (not eggplant)

  6. Nuts

  7. Dried fruits

Also, avoid potatoes and tomatoes if you have joint pain or swelling.

And as always, I’m available for private or group sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.

2020Mary BauerComment