Are you creating your future through compassion or judgment?


My hubby and I were sitting on our back patio listening to the birds, enjoying the garden view and the sun on our faces, when it dawned on me—nature hasn’t heard of Covid-19 or social justice or any of the issues that occupy our minds. Nature hasn’t a clue about the emotional upheaval many people are going through.   

Nature doesn’t have an opinion on any human story or event, because it’s not invested in what the mind thinks or believes. Nature lives by the heart. Nature is in tune with Source. It automatically expresses and experiences life authentically.

We can learn a lot from nature. We suffer when we live by our beliefs and not by our hearts. Our beliefs are changeable—remember, at one time everyone believed the earth was flat. What we feel in our hearts is our authentic Soul Self talking.

What does compassion mean to you?

As an energy intuitive, to me the energy of compassion feels like deep understanding from a wider, wiser, non-judgmental perspective. It feels likethe deepest hug of unconditional love, and the ability to hold this space no matter what’s happening or who needs it. It’s the unbiased observation that everyone is doing the best they can given their idea of the world which is based on their life experiences.

I don’t have an energy technique for you this week. Instead, I invite you to move into your authentic nature, which is compassion and love for yourself and all people.

If you’re tempted to judge another’s experience, or speak unkindly about anyone, think about a time when you were hurting or incredibly confused. What would you find helpful? How would you like to be treated? What would you like to hear from others? Judgement and anger? Or deep understanding through unconditional love?

The only thing Source Energy ever does is express and expand Love. We are that expression of Love in form, and we are all uniquely the same in that regard. We get to choose how we want to expand and express our love. We are deciding this right now, together.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment