Posts in 2023
Got pain? Remedies that work

I’ve noticed many of my clients, friends, and family are dealing with some type of inflammatory issue from gut problems, asthma, joint pain/arthritis, allergies, skin rashes, sinus infection, thyroid issues, migraines, and so much more.

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2023Mary BauerComment
Feeling emotional and scattered? Try this

When you’re excited about something it feels like you’re soaring with energy. When you’re sad or depressed you might have no energy at all and find it difficult to motivate yourself. If you feel anxious, it’s often hard to stop worrying or thinking about a problem. Emotions change your energy vibration.

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2023Mary BauerComment
How to use Love in daily life

You are Love. I am Love. Together we are exploring what that means to us individually and as a collective. We are the meaning givers. Humanity is in the process of expanding its understanding of itself through Love. What that means for me is doing the opposite of what I used to do. Here are a few examples:

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2023Mary BauerComment
Getting triggered? Do this

Is there someone (or a circumstance) in your life that triggers you? Maybe you can’t stand being around a person and directly blame them for how you feel. Mostly, in your opinion, they are wrong in their stance, don’t treat you right, and you’d be better off without having to deal with them.

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2023Mary BauerComment
What do you think about you?

My dad told me a joke the other day. It goes something like this: At a convention, a motivational speaker asked three audience members the same question, “If you died, what would you want people to say about you as they looked at you in your casket?”

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2023Mary BauerComment