Which is better for healing—streaming or CDs?


There are lots of options to help you heal these days, and one of them is sound therapy. Sound healing therapy uses music or tones to improve emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual, and physical health.

Unless my client says otherwise, I play a high vibrational CD in the background during my sessions. I know the frequency in the music resonates on many levels with my client’s mental/emotional bodies helping restore balance in all energy fields including the client’s physical body.

I think music that is conducted in-person through an instrument, singing bowl, or drum is even higher in vibration than a CD and affects the field even stronger.

I also think voice toning by the client is even more powerful.
This can be something as simple as humming the scales, which correspond with the different energy centers (chakras) found within the physical body and soul (etheric) body. Do this toning in the shower and the vibration soars to another level felt within the body.

As I said, I still use a CD player with CDs versus a streaming service run through my phone (or computer) and a speaker system. Why? Because the frequency is higher. I noticed there seems to be a distortion in the vibration when set up through even the best of sound systems. Since my goal is highest healing, I use CDs which are still a purer frequency (though I might get some flak for this opinion).

Now, I’m not all that musically inclined. I am energy intuitive inclined and follow my intuition. The other day I had a chance to lunch with a friend who helps people in the Twin Cities’ hospitals heal by playing her harp. She’s also an active member of a peace movement that uses music on a global scale to change energy frequency from war to harmony.

I asked my friend if CDs were a higher frequency vibration than streaming. She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes,” she said. “You are in the less than 1 percent of the population that knows that.”

Cool. But I simply trust my intuition. Something inside already told me that this was true.

Why am I sharing this?

EVERYTHING is frequency. Your body IS frequency slowed down to matter (physical form). And everything responds in some way to frequency.

Music is an ancient, yet science-based powerful form of healing. It can change your vibrational frequency from imbalance to harmony. Different notes and sounds have the ability to heal or create illness. If your goal is clarity and healing, then sing, attend a concert, play an instrument, or dust off those old CDs for a brand-new vibrational experience.

If you want to explore more sound healing therapies, check out information on using Solfeggio Frequencies.   

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment