Getting triggered? Do this


Is there someone (or a circumstance) in your life that triggers you? Maybe you can’t stand being around a person and directly blame them for how you feel. Mostly, in your opinion, they are wrong in their stance, don’t treat you right, and you’d be better off without having to deal with them.

Then read on because this little technique is for you!

First off: NO ONE can make you feel or think anything, but it’s hard to remember that if you’re clashing with someone or feel like you’re under attack by them. Yet, if you blame someone for how you feel, then you have both feet planted solidly in victim world.

Why? Because you gave your precious power over to someone else and will always be at their mercy for how you feel. You will (unconsciously) validate yourself through them and need their approval. To end this pattern, you’ve got to have a conversation with what you are a victim of. 

I saw this technique on a Jason Estes YouTube and love it. Here’s the steps for neutralizing how you feel:

  1. Handwrite a letter you’re never going to send. In it express all the venomous, unfair things this person is doing to you and how you feel about them. Get it all out.

  2. Once finished, look over your letter and begin circling all words that hold an emotional charge for you. The example Jason used was if you are divorced and all communication has broken down with your ex, you might write something like ‘he/she is insane!’ You can feel the emotion in the word ‘insane’ and would circle it. Repeat the process until your letter has a bunch of circles of words that have a pressure to them.  

  3. Now the work begins. As you feel the word ‘insane,’ and what it means in this context, say to yourself, “Insanity is now being released and cleared from myself.” (Remember, this feeling is inside of you, so you are working on releasing the emotional charge from you.) Take a few breaths and feel how your emotion calms as the charge of ‘insanity’ is released.

  4. With insanity gone from your energy, you begin to realize your ex isn’t actually insane. He/she is just mentally unstable. Repeat the same process by saying: “Mental instability is now being released and cleared from myself.”

  5. With mental instability cleared from your energy, you might begin to realize you simply didn’t understand your ex. Wow. That’s cool. Now you might start figuring out what happened that you didn’t understand them. Maybe you didn’t listen enough or ask enough questions?

  6. Get the idea of this? Are you feeling like a victim anymore? Is your ex in control of your emotions now? I bet not. You’ve taken responsibility for your thoughts/feelings. Now you have choices and can begin to improve in the way you communicate and act around the ex without getting so triggered. This neutral space within you is where great ideas tend to pop in for how to solve the issue that was triggering you.

  7. Lastly, be willing to negotiate with the ex (or whomever), not fix! Repeat this process with every word you circled in your letter. The goal is to end the victim pattern within you.

Keep in mind that if you have something unresolved with someone, you can’t run away because the emotion/thought is in you. It will simply recreate with someone else for you to learn more about yourself. That’s how creation works on earth.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment