Three natural headache busting remedies


For some reason this winter seems the length of two, so much so that I still have my Christmas tree up enjoying the bright twinkling lights. In fact, I see quite a few people still have trees lit in their windows. Good for us! 😊

I suppose I also feel that way because I caught a head cold last week and ended up with a bit of a headache. Tylenol didn’t seem to relieve it, but these techniques did. Thought I’d share them with you if you ever need a natural energy remedy without side effects. You’ll also find these techniques and more in my latest book Energy Techniques to Feel Better

Headache Reliever

Technique 1:

  •  Lay the palm of your hand over your forehead (brow chakra).

  • Lay the palm of your other hand over the base of your skull where it connects with your spine.

  • Hold the position and relax as you take some deep breaths.

  • You may feel warmth or tingles in your palms or head. Hold position until you feel better.

Technique 2:

  • Lay the palm of your hand over your forehead (brow chakra).

  • Lay the palm of your other hand at the back of your head directly across from your forehead.

  • Hold the position and relax as you deep breathe.

  • You may feel warmth, tingles, or a pulsing feeling between your hands. Hold the position until the pain releases. The energy goes straight through your head.

NOTE: You can also keep your hand on your forehead (brow chakra) and place the other hand on top of your head. Follow the same instructions until you get relief.

Technique 3:

  • If you’re having a temple headache, place your fingertips on your temples and apply a bit of gentle pressure (or whatever feels comfortable for you).

  • Take a nice deep breath, close your eyes. The tips of your fingers act like energy lasers and will begin to pulse back and forth placing the energy where you need it most.

  • Hold the position until the pain subsides.

  • Play around with the different hand positions until you find what works best for you.

Click on the link for a 3 min video demonstration of the techniques: 4 Headache Reliever - YouTube

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment