Why should you edit your thoughts if someone is mean to you?


Creative energy works in the same way for everyone in the form of thoughts and feelings. We all think and feel and every bit of those thoughts and feelings are creative. How do I know? Name any material object, place, job, or relationship that wasn’t first an idea—a thought/feeling.

There aren’t any.

But here’s a fact few of us spend any time thinking about: energy always comes back to the originator of the thought and feeling in some form. 

I assure you, the very thoughts you put out no matter who or what they’re aimed at, will come back home as an experience in your life.

The issue is, you don’t recognize these powerful expressions you sent out as yours. You believe someone else is doing something bad, or mean, or unfair to you. Or somehow, you’re just unlucky in life. This is because your thoughts and feelings are mostly unconscious. You don’t remember what you’ve already thought. Me either.

But this is simply the way creation works, and it’s not as personal as you may think. Yet, it is exactly the way you’ve been thinking, feeling, creating, experiencing. It’s our magic and can be our devastation if we don’t remember the power we hold in our thoughts and feelings.

The simplest way I know to keep on track for what I’d like to see in my life is to ask myself these two questions:

  1. As I’m thinking of others I ask: would I want to be thought of like this—the way I’m thinking of this person?

  2. Would I want people to feel this way about me—the way I feel about this person?

And then I try to edit those thoughts and feelings about the other person to what I can actually accept back as mine. I’m not doing myself any favors otherwise.

This little exercise always works for me. I always find a way to realize the other person’s shortcomings, in my view, is simply that—my view. It’s not who they are. Once I remember that, my perspective shifts and I have a more centered outlook without the harsh judgmental self-righteousness—which is my lesser fear-based self. 

More importantly, I’m no longer contributing to the insanity of self-harm.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2023Mary BauerComment