Imagine that you’ve had a fight with your best friend and you can’t quit thinking about it. Sure, there’s some regret involved, but there’s also a lot of hurt feelings and anger. It’s weird that they can’t see how wrong they are and how badly they mistreated you. They sure owe you an apology.
Read MoreDo you feel unfocused, short on clarity, or in a rut? Even if you don’t, would you like to feel balanced and ultra-clear in your decisions?
Read MoreI’ve discovered daydreaming in the shower while shaving my legs can result in a two Band-Aid injury. Fast forward a week and it’s like it never happened. My injury was completely healed because that’s what skin does—it covers things.
Read MoreHave you ever had to decide between two equally wonderful events that are on the same day? You want to go to both, but you can’t. You have to pick one.
Read MoreWe’ve all experienced pain in our lives. It can show up physically as job loss, home loss, an unwanted change in our relationship, an illness, accident, and more. It also shows up emotionally as anxiety, grief, sorrow, depression, loneliness, doubt, and loss of confidence, self-esteem, energy, a will to live. We very much want to feel better.
Read MoreTIME MAGAZINE named Greta Thunberg its 2019 Person of the Year—the youngest person ever to hold this title for TIME. Greta is a 16-year-old climate change activist.
Read MoreHappy Luvy Day! Since it’s Valentine week, I thought we’d talk about how to create your best relationship possible in the fastest amount of time by doing the least amount of work.
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We hear a lot about establishing a meditative practice as a way to get what you want and bring peace to your life. Personally, I think this is true because I see the evidence of it in my life. A daily practice has certainly brought me much more focus, creative ideas, abundance, and answers, which always brings me a sense of calm.
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So this month we’ve been talking about how important focused thought is in the creation of your reality. In other words, you see in your life what you believe you see no matter what else is present. Focused thought becomes belief which turns into knowing. What you know becomes your truth and your experience. What you experience creates evidence of what you know.
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Your body is a miraculous sensing device that operates through what is referred to as the unconscious or subconscious mind. From the more than 3,000 receptors on each fingertip, to the 40 trillion cells that create every system, there’s no doubt about it—your mind/body is super intelligent and knows exactly how to operate without any conscious instruction from you.
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I have a question for you. It’s an important one. Here it is: What do you want most?
Seriously. What is it you want? What is it your heart bleeds for? What is it you can’t help thinking about?
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Are you ready to have your socks blown off?! That’s about what happened to me when I realized the power of this one awareness. It changed how I think about everything.
Read MoreI love January 1, don’t you? For me, the date represents a blank slate primed for fresh ideas, projects, goals, options. I get to write on my blank slate what I decide I want to see in my future this year. And I do that right now—in this moment called “today,” by using focused thoughts and feelings.
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