Do you know how to decide what’s best for you?

March 4.jpg

Have you ever had to decide between two equally wonderful events that are on the same day? You want to go to both, but you can’t. You have to pick one.

For example: What if you had to choose between going to a big sporting tournament for your child, and a final Healing Touch training class that’s personally fulfilling and only offered biannually. You REALLY want to go to both, because you truly love going to both. You find them equally enjoyable.

Tough one, right? Especially since both also hold an emotional charge for you with a potential to feel guilty no matter which choice you make.
If you choose Healing Touch class, you could feel bad about missing your son’s tournament and all the guilt of the decision, such as: he’s going to feel horrible if I’m not there, what kind of parent am I? If you choose your son’s match, you might feel bad about missing your class—I’ve worked hard for this and love it, I don’t want to have to retake it. When am I going to choose myself over everyone else?
What to do?

Here’s a few tips when faced with decisions like this:

  1.  Get quiet, take a deep breath, and then another, and another, until you feel peaceful, calm, maybe a little tingly, then take each event and ask: Do I feel like I get to go to this event? Or does this event feel like something I should attend? Let your answer come to you organically without judgment. If the answer is anything other than I get to, don’t go.

  2. If your answer is I get to for both events, then take another deep breath and ask for a sign so you’ll know which event to attend. Asking for a sign might sound a little far-fetched, but it works and here’s why. By setting your intention that your highest version of Self has a much bigger understanding of all your decisions AND always works for your greatest good, you let go of the mind/body stress that comes from trying to decide. Then be open to your signs. This can be a fun, freeing experience when you don’t have to force a decision.

  3. You can also imagine walking down a beautiful tree-lined path and coming to a fork in the road. This fork represents your two decisions. Get quiet, take a deep breath and focus on one path at a time. See which one looks brighter and feels a lighter to you. Decide for the lightest feeling or the brightest looking path.

Now, how can you feel good no matter what you decide?

Once your decision is made, it’s super important to let go of the choice you didn’t take. Stay present in the moment and ENJOY the event you’re at without giving the other another thought.

You can’t fully enjoy anything if you’re thinking about something else. Basically, you’re robbing yourself of joy and projecting this lesser energy vibration onto the people you’re with AND the people at the other event. You’re spreading the worst of yourself to everyone, including yourself.

Yuck. No one wants that. Feel the spacious freedom that comes with a decision made, and don’t look back. No second guessing. Trust your Highest Self to know what’s best for you and everyone involved. Stay focused on the beautiful gift of the moment. You’ll enjoy whatever you decide so much more.

If you’d like to better understand how this technique works, or if you’re ready to create your best life, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment