Can a meditative practice change your life?


We hear a lot about establishing a meditative practice as a way to get what you want and bring peace to your life. Personally, I think this is true because I see the evidence of it in my life. A daily practice has certainly brought me much more focus, creative ideas, abundance, and answers, which always brings me a sense of calm.

However—my meditative practice doesn’t look like meditation. I don’t try to silence my mind or create a blank mind space. I don’t sit cross-legged and recite ohm. I don’t focus on my breath or my heartbeat. I think all these methods are great. They just don’t work for me.

What does work for me has changed a bit over the years, but two things haven’t: I sit in a chair—the same one, every morning between 5am-6am, and journal. I’ve been doing this since 1994. I don’t have a fancy journal. I use cheap line-ruled notebooks because I write every day.

When I first started this practice, I had a lot of questions. So I’d write the question and just see what popped into my mind for an answer. I had no idea what the answers would be, but they always came. And I knew they came from a place of wisdom, because they weren’t what I was thinking and they always made me feel better, calmer, like I was seeing a bigger picture no matter my problem. They always felt win-win.

And isn’t that the whole purpose for a meditative practice? To feel better and get some answers? And I noticed, since it’s been so many years of sitting in the same chair, that a spot on our bedroom floor, which is directly above my journaling chair, is much warmer. Energy!

I also noticed that my practice has been a super healthy way for me to retrain my brain to think in a different way, more to my liking, and not so prone to reaction. I’m not stuck in childhood patterning, or a belief that’s not mine.

Since I’m on a year of financial abundance through joyful awareness, I’ve added a few “extras” to my daily practice:

  • An abundance meditation by Esther/Abraham Hicks

  • An abundance recap of the day before as a reminder of the good things that happen every day in my life—like financial gains, but also great conversations with family and friends, etc.

  • I’ve also added a couple lines of appreciation for what I’m going to create, giving the Universe and my brain a big heads up on what I’m looking for so it can bring it to me in the fastest and best way.

Then I do my normal journaling, which always feels good to me, like I’m talking to a best friend who loves me unconditionally and always has my best interest at heart.

And I’ve already seen wonderful, remarkable, bankable results with my new steady focus on abundance.

I can highly recommend some kind of committed daily practice to keep you in the flow of your own highest and best good. It doesn’t matter if it’s running, journaling, baking, cleaning, yoga, dancing, sound meditation, reading inspirational books, driving a tractor, riding a horse, or even sitting cross-legged reciting ohm. Do what feels right for you.  

If you’d like to better understand what a meditation practice can do for you, or how to begin one, or if you have any old question at all, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment