Do you know what normal life really is?

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I’ve discovered daydreaming in the shower while shaving my legs can result in a two Band-Aid injury. Fast forward a week and it’s like it never happened. My injury was completely healed because that’s what skin does—it covers things.

Miraculous? Sort of when you consider the amazing innate intelligence that governs the body. It’s the same intelligence that decides which cells become a heart and which ones become a spleen. 

The reason I bring this up is because I watched the News the other night, and between the reports of people shot and the pharmaceutical commercials with their five-minute speed-read of side-effects, a person can start thinking the worst about life.

But none of this is normal. It’s on the News because it’s NOT normal. But because we see it so much, we’ve come to accept suffering, sickness, and craziness as a way of life. I promise, it’s not normal and we don’t have to add our thoughts into a belief system that makes us feel bad or frightened about ourselves and the world we live in.
We must focus our attention on true normalcy which is the intelligence within that heals cuts without question. Normal is the intelligence within that bends to your thoughts and is always working for your good.

I remind myself daily that in order to experience the highest quality of life, I must expect the highest good as the normal level of life no matter what. What level of life are you focused on?

If you’d like some help tapping into the awesome intelligence of your body, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary Bauer2 Comments