End brain fog with this energy technique

March 18.jpg

Do you feel unfocused, short on clarity, or in a rut? Even if you don’t, would you like to feel balanced and ultra-clear in your decisions?

Me too, that’s why I want to share an energy technique I loooove because it can help strengthen memory, bring inspiration, alleviate stress headaches, and clear the brain cobwebs.

And it feels amazing. It’s like a load lifts that you weren’t even aware you were carrying.

This technique is super simple, just four easy hand placements from your forehead to the base of your skull. Total time to do the technique is about a minute.

  1. Place the fingertips of both hands on your forehead. Backs of hands face each other vertically, fingers spread, pinkies between the eyes, pointers at the hairline. Push in, stretch, and breathe as you comb through stagnant energy.

  2. Next position: Place fingertips in vertical fashion, hands back to back, fingers spread, pinkies on the hairline, pointers at the crown (top of head). Push in, stretch, and breathe as you comb through stagnant energy. 

  3. Next: Same as above, except pinkies are at the crown (top of head), pointers are at the middle of the back of your head. Push in, stretch, and breathe as you comb through the stagnant energy.

  4. Last position: Same as above, except drop pinkies to mid back of your head, pointers at the base of your skull. Push in, stretch, and breathe as you comb through stagnant energy.

 Here's a demonstration of the technique

Pay attention to how you feel before doing the technique and after. I’d love to hear your results. 😊  

If you’d like to know more about your energy field, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment