What does clear focus look like?

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If there’s ever a year perfect for clear focus it’s this one—20/20. LOL! Just making sure you’re paying attention.

So this month we’ve been talking about how important focused thought is in the creation of your reality. In other words, you see in your life what you believe you see no matter what else is present. Focused thought becomes belief which turns into knowing. What you know becomes your truth and your experience. What you experience creates evidence of what you know.

And then you do it all over again.

So what does it look like when someone is clear and focused on what they want?

It looks like someone who goes into a fully stocked grocery store without a list or a cart, just a complete knowing what she wants. Since she wants pickles, she isn’t wasting her time or creating frustration by looking for them at the florist shop. And she’s not badmouthing the florist for not selling pickles, either. Nope. She knows exactly what she wants and where to find it. She jogs to the pickle aisle, plucks a jar off the shelf, and heads to the self-check station where there’s no waiting line or distractions. She swipes her item, pays, and she’s out the door in minutes.

Now here’s the really cool thing: Our person went into the store with nothing in her hand but the clear focus that she was buying pickles. She came out of the store a few minutes later with an actual physical jar of pickles. She absolutely turned her thought into reality.

Of course she could’ve stayed home and borrowed a jar from a neighbor, or had someone go to the store for her. The results would’ve been the same, even though the action looks different. It’s the clear focused thought that creates the desired reality.

So what happens when we don’t know what we want, and focus only on what we don’t want?

Same fully stocked grocery store, but this time our person doesn’t have a clue what she wants. She wanders the aisles irritated by the way her cart’s wheel squeaks. She complains there’s nothing to buy. It all looks same old, same old, to her. What did she come in here for anyway?

She meets a shopper in the aisle and he puts some items in her cart. She gives him a baffled look. Why did he do that? She might not know what she wants, but she sure as heck doesn’t want these items. Yet she leaves them in her cart.

More people do this to her until her cart is heaping with items she didn’t choose. She feels upset by what’s happening, totally mystified by what’s gotten into people, but still she does nothing about it.

Now she has a heavy cart full of everything she’s certain she doesn’t want. She can barely maneuver the thing to the checkout. And that squeaky wheel! That gawdawful wheel! She’ll be so glad when she doesn’t have to listen to that horrid thing anymore. Someone should do something about that thing. After all, with the prices this store charges there should be more than enough money to keep the carts in good condition. No one does their job anymore. 

The line she’s in is long—just her luck. She tells everyone who will listen about how rude everyone’s been to her, forcing her to buy things she doesn’t want. She has no idea how she’s going to pay for it all. She wouldn’t have come to this store if she’d known how awful it was.

Ah well, she thinks. What can you do about some people?  Soon she’ll be home, but the cashier goes on break the second it’s her turn to pay. Oh. My. God! Could anything more go wrong?! Wait until her friends hear about this. They’ll never believe it.  She’s got half a mind to just leave everything and walk out the door. Would serve them right.

Another clerk takes over the checkout and accidently double scans one of her items. She makes the clerk aware. Good thing she’s watching. You have to watch close because you can’t trust anyone. People will take advantage whenever they can.  
She leaves the store with her credit card maxed. She wants to cry. People can be so cruel. She’s about to get into her car when she notices her hastily scrawled note on the driver’s seat. Get milk.

Our life progresses through the decisions we make each and every second. It happens automatically. In this we are all alike. We have a thought, creative energy responds. Awareness of what we are deciding happens by paying close attention to how you feel and what you see in your life now.

Want milk, or pickles, or a new job, or a better relationship? All this and more happens through focused thought, how you feel about it, and the decisions you make.

If you’d like to better understand what’s happening in your life right now and gain some focus, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment