Want to know the easiest way to create emotional support for yourself and others?


We’ve all experienced pain in our lives. It can show up physically as job loss, home loss, an unwanted change in our relationship, an illness, accident, and more. It also shows up emotionally as anxiety, grief, sorrow, depression, loneliness, doubt, and loss of confidence, self-esteem, energy, a will to live. We very much want to feel better.
And we all know people going through challenges, and we want them to feel better too. We say we feel for them. Or we say we can’t imagine what they’re going through. How awful. While secretly we desperately hope we never have to face the same challenges.
So what’s helpful in situations for yourself and others when there really is nothing you can do?
One thing that’s super helpful is awareness of what your thoughts and emotions are creating in the collective etheric energy field. This is the field of creation—an invisible place of pure vibration before becoming physical forms and experiences.

Each one of us is telepathically tapped into the collective etheric energy field. Every single one of us reaches into this field with our mind and depending on how we feel, makes a withdrawal of energy in the form of a thought.

If you just found out that you have cancer and are feeling blindsided by it, devastated, vulnerable—will it help to telepathically hear from the collective etheric energy field: Ohhhh, you poor, poor thing. How awful. Cancer. How scary. What a horrible thing to have to go through. Cancer. That’s never good…
Or would you rather hear: I am strong. I am aware. I trust my wisdom. I am loved. I know how to love myself. I trust my process. I know I’ve got this. I believe in myself. My body knows just what to do. My body is super intelligent. I have lots of help. I have lots of support. I know how to help my body heal. I know my best way. I know what joy is. I am peaceful. I am joyful. I am safe. I have great compassion for myself.
We all get telepathic messages 24/7. The best way to help yourself and others emotionally is to put into the collective etheric energy field all the things you most want for yourself. That way anyone who needs these same thoughts will automatically get them as well.
Always use words like I am, I have, I trust, I know, I believe, I can—and then finish the sentence with what you want. This is the way you most help yourself and others without judging the experience, resisting it, or making it wrong.
So a friend (or anyone in the world) who just lost her job will hear from the field—I am strong. I am aware. I trust my wisdom. I am loved. I know how to love myself. I trust my process, etc… And she will feel truly supported and know what to do in her own time and way.
We can’t know the soul value in another’s path, but we can all support one another in our highest and best way. We could stop wars with this one simple technique.    

If you’d like to better understand what’s happening in your life right now, or if you need loving support, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment