Do you know to stop wars by helping yourself?

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Imagine that you’ve had a fight with your best friend and you can’t quit thinking about it. Sure, there’s some regret involved, but there’s also a lot of hurt feelings and anger. It’s weird that they can’t see how wrong they are and how badly they mistreated you. They sure owe you an apology.

In fact, the more you think about it, why did you ever like them in the first place? Why should you hang with someone that pigheaded and cruel?

And on and on the mind story grows, inventing and imagining all kinds of justifications to keep you in the energies of anger, hurt, poor me, unworthiness, judgment, pettiness, and superiority. But do any of these energies seem appealing to you? Do they make you feel strong and unified and full of love, or weak and alone and full of loathing?

By using these exact energies, which are your thoughts and feelings about an experience, what type of life do you think you’re creating for yourself? If you answered more of the same feelings and experiences, you’re brilliant. Give yourself an extra donut.

Now, if you want to create something else, like the opposite of what you’re currently experiencing, then your thoughts and feelings have to match what you want to experience.

Here’s how you do that in the simplest, least painful way possible—stop thinking about your friend, and start thinking about what you’d like to hear if you were having the worst day of your life.

That’s right—the absolute worst day ever. What would be helpful for you to hear? Would it be helpful to hear that you’re pigheaded and cruel? Because I promise on some telepathic level your friend absolutely hears your sentiments toward them, and those thoughts aren’t going to inspire warm fuzzies toward you.

It’s time to disengage and pull your energy out of their energy field. Stop transmitting thoughts that feel awful because you’re only helping yourself feel weaker and more alone. And then you’re justifying how YOU feel by blaming someone else.

Instead, think of the things you’d like to hear like: I am strong and courageous. I am wise. I trust my wisdom. I know how to love myself. I know what compassion looks like. I know how to be easy on myself. I cut myself a break. I love myself. I enjoy my life. I have a pretty good life. I know how to listen with my heart. I know how to speak so others can hear me. And whatever else feels really good to you.

Just fill up the whole etheric field (Universal Energy Field) with these truths about you and you’ll feel a whole lot better. And guess what your friend will hear when they telepathically tune in to the etheric field: I am strong and courageous. I am wise. I trust my wisdom. I know how to love myself. I know what compassion looks like. I know how to be easy on myself…

And guess what anyone else in the world that needs a lift will hear when they telepathically tune into the etheric field: I am strong and courageous. I am wise. I trust my wisdom. I know how to love myself. I know what compassion looks like. I know how to be easy on myself…

The Universal Energy Field is real, and we all contribute to the thoughts and feelings available to us by what we think and feel. That’s why a bunch of people will get the same great idea at the same time, because they’re tapped into the energy field.

Here’s the cool thing: not only can we feel better by deciding to help ourselves in this way, but we can stop wars by consciously changing our thoughts and feelings which changes the thoughts and feelings available for our choosing in the Universal Energy Field.   

If you’d like to better understand how this technique works, or if you’re ready to create your best life, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary Bauer2 Comments