Facing fear on a boogie board

I just got back from vacation in Costa Rica. This is my second time in this beautiful country, but my first time on a boogie board. It is now my new passion! I had no idea I’d love it so much. And I had no idea I’d love playing in the ocean so much.

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2024Mary BauerComment
How to receive answers from Source

I recently listened to a podcast with Neale Donald Walsch as the guest. Mr. Walsch is the author of the tremendously popular Conversations with God series. His new book titled GodTalk attempts to answer the question he gets most often from people: How can I talk to God like you do?

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2024Mary BauerComment
When should you implement the Irish good-bye?

In June 1962, over sixty employees of a US textile factory developed a mysterious illness dubbed the June bug epidemic. The illness swept through the factory within a couple of days and included symptoms of numbness, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Some employees were hospitalized. It was thought the sickness came from insect bites.

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2024Mary BauerComment
New support for a changing new you

We are in a time of great change and we are all experiencing it on some level. This change may feel like an unfamiliar, yet compelling urge to understand your purpose at a new level and what you notice in the world. You may have questions that no one seems able to answer.

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2024Mary BauerComment