Why don’t we get answers to our problems?


I think the biggest hindrance for believing we’re not receiving solutions to problems we face is our inability to shut the insatiable problem-loving mind down long enough to let our Source wisdom create through us.

What do I mean by that?

When our only focus is a problem, the mind has no room to think anything else. It’s already busy. Einstein and Edison reportedly took short naps when they needed a breakthrough in their work. By willingly shutting down their mental minds for a bit, they often received brilliant solutions through their dream state.

Naps work well for some, but when I need to stop thinking I physically go do something like bake cookies, clean the house, pet a cat, take a shower, garden. I enjoy these activities, yet they don’t require a lot of thought on my part. Or I should say they require just enough thought to keep my mind happy, but not burdened. This often creates the perfect space for my solutions to come to mind giving me that ah-ha moment.

So, what happens if we can’t shut the noisy, problem inducing mind off from telling its fear-based stories in our heads? You know—the stories where your imagination dreams the worst-case scenarios.

The short answer is it’ll feel like you’re living them. Why? Because the thoughts, feelings, and the stories you repeatedly tell yourself carry an electrical charge that goes out into the greater electro-magnetic field. You and the field create experiences that mirror your beliefs.

When you imagine an enemy, it must be so for you whether it’s a factual truth or not. When you imagine lack, it must be so for you whether you have millions in the bank or not. Have you ever told someone how beautiful they are, only to have them deny it? What they believe will feel like their truth whether it’s a fact or not.  

What have you determined is true for you? What is it you imagine?

Stop the problem mind from its fear-based imagination by consciously choosing to do something else knowing when you let go of the worst story in your head, you’ve made room for a new dream much more aligned with solution.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

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2024Mary BauerComment