Do you have the right Christmas tree?


My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It has all the feels and none of the shopping overwhelm. But when I sat down to write about this beautiful day of appreciation, a new thought came to mind.

Since I like to share energy techniques you may not have considered before, today I’m going to give you some tips for talking to trees.

Why trees?

Many of you have a Thanksgiving tradition of buying your Christmas tree over this weekend, so I thought it might be fun to learn how to communicate with them and find out which one wants to come home with you.

Everything is consciousness in different forms. Trees are no different. I’ve found they have their own personalities and range of expertise and chattiness. The way you’ll communicate is through telepathy and feeling. The conversation will happen in your mind and in your emotions. You’ll get a real sense for which tree is matching your frequency and asking to come home with you.

You may also get some wonderful information from the other trees, so don’t be shy about asking questions. There’s nothing they can’t answer. I’ve asked them many technical questions I have no idea about. When I look up their response it’s always accurate.

Here’s a few steps I first used when I started talking with trees (and other beings):

  1. Take a deep breath and calm yourself. Know it’s possible and perfectly natural for you to converse with a tree. It’s not entirely different than talking to a friend.

  2. Adapt a curious, playful attitude with much appreciation for what will be shared. Throw away any attachments or expectations to results. Keep your mind blank, neutral.  

  3. You may lightly touch or hug the tree. Or trust your heart for what the tree being is most comfortable with.

  4. Telepathically ask the tree to have the conversation. You will begin to feel the change in frequency. Your body feels it. Maybe it’s subtle tingles in your head or shoulders, a shiver, your heart feels a little softer, warmer, calmer, expanded, or your hands might heat up or tingle. Notice what feels different and trust it as your way of knowing.

  5. Ask your questions, such as do you want to come to my house for Christmas? Many are happy to be with you in this way. But you can ask anything. Trust what you feel and what you hear through your mind. If you asked something you don’t know the answer to, write down what the tree tells you and check later for accuracy.  

  6. Use good manners. Like humans, not all trees communicate alike. Don’t be pushy or force your agenda. It is very much a two-way conversation, and you will know who wants to talk and who doesn’t. If a tree doesn’t want to talk it might feel like an invisible boundary that won’t let you near them. Sometimes, it just feels like complete silence or emptiness. Like there’s nothing there to share.

  7. Thank the tree for their love and support.   

Appreciation is always a good idea, and I invite you to give thanks for the many ways you are guided by nature’s wisdom and can receive the love you need to thrive. Many blessings to you and your family always. I love you. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and tree time!   

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.

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2024Mary BauerComment