What is the greatest thing you’ll ever learn?


There’s a quote in the Moulin Rouge movie that says: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” 

What if learning and exploring love is the reason we’re here on earth but don’t remember that’s what we’re doing? What if we remembered? What would our lives look like then?

I think I got a glimpse of what it looks like one night while on our Alaskan cruise.

A few of us from our Discovery Tour group were in one of the ship’s nightclubs enjoying the music. The band played a slow song and only one couple from the audience got up to dance. I’d guess their ages somewhere in the late 30’s.

The guy took her hand in his and gently pulled her toward him. She lovingly smiled up at him as she curled into his arms. The two held each other’s gaze as they moved to the music, and the audience sighed a collective “awwww.”   
Why the spontaneous reaction from the audience?

Because we were all witnessing something rare—an experience of complete love in the form of this young couple. They swayed slowly, mindfully, never once talking or taking their eyes off one another for the entire song. Their only focus was each other.

How many of us can do that even with ourselves in a mirror? More often our eyes shift away as if it’s too painful to really see ourselves or one another. To really look, notice, and be in the presence of our loving soul.

The next morning, I saw the young woman at breakfast sitting alone. I noticed she was eating slowly, mindfully, taking her time to truly chew each bite. She embodied the same gentle calmness I felt when I watched her dance with her partner the night before.

I stopped by her table. “I sure enjoyed watching you dance last night,” I said. “Was that your husband you were with?”

She set down her fork, and smiled into my eyes. “Yes. We were wishing everyone would’ve joined us.”

“How long have you been married?” I asked.

“Fifteen years.”


“No. Just us. We just travel and love each other.”

I thanked her again for the authentic beauty of the moment she and her husband brought to us. They reminded us that love is who we are. We do recognize it and can feel it in our hearts. We can be the reflection of love for one another as well. We don’t have to do anything but be who we are.

This week, I invite you to focus on what it feels like to love and to be loved. Where do you feel it in your body? How does it feel? If it’s hard for you to practice with a person, then pay attention to how it feels to love and be loved by your pet, or a plant, or the earth.

If you can, try staring at your reflection in a mirror for several minutes or as long as you can. Gaze deeply into your eyes and say to your image: I love you. I see you. 

You may find this exercise painful or difficult at first, but be compassionately patient with yourself. Over a bit of time, you’ll find your fear and anxiety calming, your sorrow leaving as you connect on an intimate level with your loving soul.     

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment