Are you allowing your soul to help you?


People seem to wonder about their purpose in life, especially if they think they’ve lost it. My thought about this is if you’re alive, you are in your purpose. Everything is leading toward your highest evolution.

It reminds me of an old story about a Buddhist monk. He was in the market watching people buy and sell. He overheard a customer at the butcher stall ask for his best cut of meat. The butcher told him everything was his best cut. And the monk became enlightened in that moment.   

Most of us don’t look at our lives from a soul (wisest part of you) perspective. We don’t see that no matter what is happening, it is our best. The soul drives the human, and it has some pretty clear ways of letting you know what it wants to experience for its growth.

Some ways the soul helps you move forward when stuck are through synchronicities, a burning desire in your heart that pulls at you, or a quiet, calm thought that suggests a next step.

These are the easy ways to move forward. But other ways can be things like a major accident or illness, death of someone close, the end of a relationship or career, financial loss. It can be anything that feels like hitting rock bottom and you have nowhere else to go but to listen to your soul.

Everything can be an aide if viewed from the perspective that nothing is by accident and everything is happening for you through you. Hard to cultivate this thinking though, when you’re in the thick of what doesn’t feel good or when you are stuck.Sometimes it takes a little emotional distance from the circumstance to find the courage to face your uncomfortable things and find the benefit in them.

Here’s an exercise that might help you get a clearer idea for your next step when ready to move into purposeful creation:

  1. Draw a vertical line down the center of a piece of paper.

  2. On one side, list all the things you’re passionate about.

  3. On the other side organize the list in order of what you’d do first, second, and so on.

  4. Take some time to study your list. What things really resonate with you? Maybe a hobby you’re doing?

  5. Discover the qualities that are unique to you. See who needs what you’re passionate about. Then see how you can provide that need to the world.

  6. Stay in this high vibe energy of your passions. This is alignment with your soul. Take the steps you’re prompted to take that feel good and easy to you. A feeling of I get to vs I should.

Ask your soul for what you need and you’ll find yourself moving forward in interesting, almost seemingly magical ways with a better understanding of how the electromagnetic field works.

It can be as simple as what I experienced yesterday. I was in a grocery store and the item I needed was on the top shelf way in the back where I couldn’t reach. Instead of fussing about it, I thought to myself, I’ll continue shopping and come back. I’m sure I’ll find help. I didn’t even get around the corner of the aisle and a man carting a step ladder crossed my path. He was happy to help me.

Your soul is your best helper. Ask for what you need and be open to its answers.     

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment