Understanding your energy while shopping


I’m back from the Alaskan Discovery Tour retreat I co-hosted with Kristine Kieland. What an amazing time we had during class delving inward on a deep level to experience an expansive understanding of our innate sixth-sense skills and the awareness of how we use them.

With this experienced wisdom, conditioned fear gives way to authentic reality just as our ascended masters have said in every era—everything you need is already within you. But that doesn’t really mean much if you haven’t experienced it. Once you do, nothing is the same for you. It’s a bit like marveling at a magician until you know all the tricks.

But once you know you are completely responsible for your part in humanity’s co-created reality. No more can you blame anyone or justify poor behavior or avoid what is yours to create. On the flip side, your sense of confidence, safety, awareness, and creativity soars. You stop validating through others and develop an absolute trust in your own inner wisdom, or what some call intuition, Source, highest Self, Spirit, Universe, God. 

This way of living is pure freedom and fun.

An example of this is while we were off ship in Ketchikan a few of us wandered the cute giftshops paying close attention to how we felt in each one, where we felt the energy in our bodies, and what items resonated as high vibe.

One store in particular pinged off the charts in my energy awareness. At the entrance, I spotted a holder displaying watercolor prints. I’m always interested in art and started leafing through the paintings. I didn’t get far. The picture in this newsletter was the second one in.

Excited with my find, I found the others and asked what they felt the picture was about. I covered the whale with my hand so the mind wouldn’t automatically label it and see nothing else.

Both ladies felt the high frequency and one said it was a portal into another realm. I agreed as I felt it too. While we were discussing the painting and the energy within it, a random woman joined our group. She was fascinated by our conversation and wanted to know more. I asked her what she felt when with the painting, but she was more interested in hearing our thoughts.

And for good reason. The fascinated stranger was the artist herself, Ana Matta. She told us we made her day as most people never understand what she is conveying through her work. She only paints when she is in her highest energy and this is what comes through. Very pure high vibe portals of energy. She had only put the print out for sale the day before. For me, it held the highest frequency in the shop, and there’s much more going on in this picture than shared. Let it speak to you and trust what comes.

Energy is palpable, knowable, real. It’s all there is and it creates everything you see and don’t. When you understand and experience your pure energy, you will understand everything you need to live in this world without fear. Good-bye fight or flight issues. Good-bye reasons to convince, persuade, fight. Good-bye lack mentality. Good-bye suffering. Good-bye separation. The magician’s tricks are revealed and no longer interesting.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment