What 3 phrases can end war?


What I’ve come to understand through my own experiences and observations, is that there seems to be three levels of consciousness:

  1. Everything is happening to me. This is the perception of victim mentality created by an unawareness of who you are and how reality works. This is the domain of the ego—the critical judge that looks through the lens of chronic fear and isolation. This is blaming, shaming, anxiety, regret, depression, worthiness. It is the densest energy frequency.

  2. Everything is happening for me. This is the higher frequency of the waking awareness where you start experiencing reality as an ally. Instead of judgment, you ask deeper questions: What am I learning from this? Who am I now because of this? Who do I wish to be? You are beginning to look for the benefit in all your experiences, even the things you think of as bad. If you are consistently aware, it leads to your next level.

  3. Everything is happening through me. This is the end of the false identity of separation as self completely surrenders to Self. There is no more resistance as your desire becomes in tune with the desire of Existence for you. You’re being informed by Spirit and co-creating with the greater intelligence. Your feelings are of bliss, joy, peace, freedom. The separated mind is healed. This stage has been called enlightenment, nirvana, heaven, unity consciousness, flow.

I’ve noticed many of us bounce around between levels 1 and 2, with moments of level 3. It seems one of the challenges we face in our growth toward unity consciousness (heaven on earth) is the idea of right and wrong.

I’m not saying there aren’t some behaviors that are clearly wrong if our goal is level 3 mastery, but many things we fight about are simply a matter of opinion. It’s not a war between right and wrong, but a war between right and right. Both sides believe they are right. 

So, what can we do to shift that energy into something more unified and peaceful?

The next time you find yourself in a heated discussion where your emotions are getting the best of you, take a deep calming breath. Try to remember that everything is happening for you although you might not know how in the moment. All you know is you’re being triggered, a clear sign you are not experiencing unity consciousness.

What you are experiencing is an opportunity to move into a new state of being that offers understanding instead of war.

There are a few phrases you can use that will help shift this energy of violence. Look at the person you’re arguing with—really look at them and say one of these three things:

  1. I get what you’re saying.

  2. I can understand how you could feel that way.

  3. I’m not clear on what you mean; can you help me understand your viewpoint?

None of these phrases means you agree with their opinion, but all of them can help move the conversation from desperation to be right at all costs which usually creates an enemy, and into the willingness to understand and respect the other the same as you would like to be understood and respected. When you’re willing to hear where the other person is coming from, they usually respond in kind. 

When you shift the way you think and feel into something higher and more inspiring, your life shifts too. This is nothing you need to believe in. It’s simply something you can verify though your own experiences. Maintain unity and awareness, and you will experience the flow of consciousness working through you. This is the freedom offered through an aligned life.  

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.

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2025Mary BauerComment