2025—The Year of Insight
As we move from 2024 into 2025, I’m being reminded by my beautiful spiritual team that this is the year of insight.
What does that mean?
For me, it’s a conscious choice to seek my highest internal guidance first, because that’s how I connect to the God Essence that created me and is me as a fractal of eternal Self. Within is where my solutions are.
But trusting this truth isn’t always easy and it doesn’t always make sense or seem logical based on my human conditioning. I must learn to view everything from a different perspective than the “normal” way I’ve been seeing things.
My conditioned mind is an addictive pattern programmer that’s attached to what it believes is “me” living in a human body on earth. It’s convinced that my survival is completely at the whim of external forces. This fear-based conditioning teaches that I’m weak and frail and the best I can hope for is to die in my sleep where my story ends in the nothing I am. And that’s it. The end.
To the conditioned mind, the reality of my eternal divinity guided by an internal Universal compass is only a dubious fantasy. It completely denies the teachings of enlightened masters (and science) that have demonstrated this is true.
The conditioned mind takes everything personally. Everything’s a big problem. It makes up all kinds of stories where I’m the victimized hero and I’ve been deplorably misunderstood and wronged. In all these mind imaginings, someone or something is to blame and they need to change for me to be happy and live my life to the fullest.
But we must outgrow these old tired roles and identities to create the truer, kinder, gentler world we know exists though we don’t always live in it…yet. I believe 2025 will give us many opportunities to help each other expand our capacity for love by expressing our most vulnerable pleas for love that often look like conflict and struggle within a relationship. By giving the love we perceive to be lacking in ourselves, in others, and in the world, we find healing.
This year is a calling to step into the unknown with an open and forgiving heart, and let our wisest inner counselor lead the way. As I said, that’s not always an easy task, because we must face the conditioning and blocks in our own mind.
There are many ways to help with that. One technique I find useful for releasing my own blocks is breathwork. Breathwork can help you break free from repression and avoidance of difficult emotions you may be conscious of or not. Guided breathwork can be an experience of self-love and a part of your innermost plan for awakening. If you want to sign up for the next breathwork session, click here: Breathwork: Your Next Level Healing and Wisdom — mary m. bauer
If interested, I’m also teaching an intuition class this month. Learn how to be guided by a power that is beyond logic and reason, yet intimately and authentically you. The hands-on tasks are designed for developing “intuitive” inner listening so you move into 2025 trusting your wisdom. Sign up here: Strengthening Your Intuition Muscle — mary m. bauer
Lastly, I wish you a Happy New Year! May you experience peace in your heart as you find the courage to look inside yourself for your insights and answers. That is the beginning to the end of living a normal, fear-based conditioned life.
Joy to your world, my beautiful wise one! Happy freedom!
And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.
Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.
If I can be of help to one of your loved ones, please consider a gift certificate.