Two powerful methods to boost your immune system


I’m usually all about sharing simple, yet powerful energy techniques to boost your energy field so you feel empowered, peaceful, and strong. But this week I’ve been thinking about the immune system and experimenting with different foods and techniques to help the physical body feel energized and strong, too. 

I found this detoxifying drink recipe on Dr. Axe’s website: This detoxifier is something we could all use right now. Not only because of the virus fear energy, but also because we’re sloughing off the winter sludge while moving into the Spring season of birth.

Secret Detox Drink

  • 1 glass of warm or hot water (12–16 ounces)

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • ½–1 teaspoon ground ginger

  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1 dash cayenne pepper

  • 1 teaspoon raw, local honey (optional)

Mix all ingredients together and serve. Drink once a day. It has a tangy/spicy taste. Serves 1.  

Another powerful immune system builder is deep massaging of your shoulder joints.

With your fingers, dig deep into the space where your shoulders attach to your chest, right along those muscles and ligaments. Start at about the level two fingers below your collar bone, and work all the way to beneath your arms (armpits).
This area is loaded with lymph nodes, your body’s natural cleaners. Massage as firmly as you can, digging in with your fingers, and work the stagnant energy from your lymphatic system. The area might feel tender at first, but do this twice a day for a week and most of the tenderness will dissipate. This is a great way to help your body stay healthy.

And, as always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

Also, Kristine Kieland and I are offering joint intuitive healing energy sessions on Friday, May 15. Sign up on Kristine’s site:, or let me know if you’re interested.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment