: A powerful way to receive from your highest Soul Self, and embody the wisdom


Today’s newsletter is different. I love sharing energy techniques with you every week, but today I want to introduce you to my brand new book: 40 Conversations with Your Soul~A guided journey into self-love.

In this book, I share many energy techniques to help you feel better, but I share many more inspired messages and wisdom directly from my Soul to yours.

As many of you know, I’m an avid journaler and have been since 1994. This book of conversations happened over the course of this past fall/winter through my journaling, and in direct response to my desire to share the information that is needed now to move each of us forward in our paths with the highest and best for all.

I’m excited because this book can assist in your journey to move into a collaborative conversation with your most loving and wise inner guide. A guide who always believes in you, supports your every thought and feeling without judgment, and is in your corner 24/7 helping to create your desires and experiences without question.

The 40 conversations inspire you to see yourself as your Soul does—a wise, brave, loving being doing the best you can. There’s real power in allowing your Soul to embrace you and reveal your innermost truth. As you move through the pages getting comfortable with your natural creative abilities, trust will replace doubt and your feelings will improve. The change in your life will be evident.

Within the book you will find:

  • Proven heart-centered techniques for emotional release

  • Thought-provoking questions to shift perceptions into an understanding of your immense power, how you create your experiences, and how to fully step into a life you love

  • Techniques to transform debilitating thought patterns and retrain your brain to look for your good

  • Space for journaling, jotting inspirational ideas, doodling, drawing

Thank you for everything you are and your incredible bravery to live to the best of your abilities. I love you. Every blessing as you move through this interesting earth time.

And, as always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

Also, Kristine Kieland and I are offering joint intuitive healing energy sessions on Friday, May 15. Sign up on Kristine’s site: www.KristineKieland.com, or let me know if you’re interested.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment