How can an ordinary deck of cards improve your psychic abilities?


Are you getting a bit bored? Feeling cooped up? Closets all cleaned? Missing your friends and families in REAL time?

Me, too.

Boredom does birth creativity, though. Here’s a little game I created using an ordinary card deck to exercise my psychic abilities. Give it a try. It’s fun!

1. Hold a red card (diamond or heart) between your hands, close your eyes and breathe. Tell yourself that this is what red feels like. Pay attention to what you sense.

2. Place the same red card to your forehead (back side out), close your eyes and breathe. Tell yourself this is what red looks like. Pay attention to what you sense.

3. Do the same thing with a black card (clubs or spades). Pay attention to what you sense. Is it different from the red card? How? The sensations might be very subtle.

4. Place the deck of cards face down, then touch the one on top. Close your eyes and visualize or sense the color of the card—red or black? You might get a picture, or a feeling in your body, or a knowing.

5. Count to yourself, 1, 2, 3, then say the color. You want to make your decision fairly quick—long enough to get a sensation, short enough to keep from thinking.

Try this a couple times, then put the cards away. Try it again the next day, then put them away. Play this game one or two times a week to increase your psychic muscle. Remember, the best psychics are about 70% accurate, so don’t worry if you don’t get them all right.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready through Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching. Book a  session with me

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment