An energy technique to calm your fears, alleviate pain, and support your body


Today’s exercise is a powerful energy technique that can help calm your fears, alleviate pain, and support your body. I’m calling it the golden ball of light.


  1. Sit comfortably with your hands on your lap, palms facing up.

  2. Take a couple deep breaths

  3. Imagine golden liquid light flowing into the top of your head, down into your shoulders, through your arms, and out the palms of your hands.

  4. Now raise your hands, palms facing each other about a foot apart. You’re going to begin creating an energy ball between your hands.

  5. Imagine this golden light between your hands as you gently push against it, feeling a bit of resistance, or warmth, or tingling.

  6. Keep breathing deeply and feel or sense your golden light. Smile, and feel the energy grow stronger.

  7. Now ask yourself where you feel fear in your body, or where your body needs a boost of energy. Let your answer come without judgement.

  8. Now take your golden ball of energy and place it in that spot. Let it sink into your body. Notice how relaxed and good that feels.

And that’s it—great job!

If you’d like some help tapping into the awesome intelligence of your body, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment