How many people does it take to bring world peace?


Since tomorrow is July 4, I started thinking about what it cost in human sacrifice and suffering to gain what we commonly think of as our US Independence. It’s hard not to feel both unmeasurable gratitude and deepest sorrow for those who lost lives and loved ones during that war. That depth of pain is life altering and can change the ancestral DNA.

This got me wondering what it might be like to live in a world without war of any kind—not in our countries, our cities, our homes, or within. Not ever again. What would it be like to be at peace everywhere?

What if there was a way to create this experience? For real.

There is. And it’s been proven in over 700 peer-reviewed studies.

I’ve recently read about The International Peace Project in the Middle East conducted in 1983. A couple hundred people were trained in something known as transcendental meditation.

Over a period of months, between 65 and 241 meditators stationed in Jerusalem simultaneously focused on the feeling of peace in their hearts. The goal was to determine what affect the group had on the general Israeli population’s quality of life and the Lebanese war, if any.

The results were surprising and incredibly positive. When the group was feeling peace, terrorist activities dropped to zero. Violent crimes, fires, traffic accidents, and conflicts of every kind decreased measurably in the entire Israeli nation. War significantly decreased in Lebanon. Cooperation, peace, order, and harmony in communities increased. It was discovered that the more people meditating and feeling peace in their heart, the greater the influence on the population.

The Peace Project began in 1972 with 27 United States cities that had a population over 10,000. The experiment has since been conducted many times in many countries all over the world with the same incredible results—a marked downward shift in socio-political violence and other forms of violent crimes including homicide (28 percent decrease), suicide, and car accidents. During meditation times, the Chicago stock market soared. When the meditators stopped feeling peace, everything reverted.

So, how many meditating people do you think it takes to create world peace?

The minimum number needed to influence a significant change in outcome is the square root of 1% of a given population. For example, a city of one million needs 100 meditators. For a population of 6 billion, 8,000 people are needed who feel peace in their hearts .

Doesn’t that just blow you away?! It did me. But again, the more people feeling peace, the greater the effect on the world population. Want real and lasting Independence for everyone on the planet? Fill your heart with peace and feel it.

If you want to know more about this project, I used for my research. But there’s lots of information online about it, just search The International Peace Project in the Middle East.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

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2024Mary BauerComment