The number one struggle I hear about


Do you know what the number one struggle people share with me, and not just in session?


They tell me they aren’t happy, but feel they used to be. And then they’ll say, “I want to be happy like I was before, but I can’t seem to get there. I don’t know why.”

The reason is because you’re no longer that person. You’re a new version of your soul in human form every second of every day. The energy that supported the old you isn’t there anymore. It’s in your past, but you’re not. It truly is futile to try to align with what was. That’s the old energy field, which was denser in nature because earth and all living beings were denser in nature. It was a match to who you were and not who you are now.

You have shifted into something brand new, a deeper awareness of yourself and life. But you aren’t quite in resonance with what that means or how to navigate in this new reality of you. And you haven’t quite shifted into the higher energy frequency that supports this change.

In other words, the last thing you want is to be the old you that you thought was so much happier. That person and the energy that supported that version is long in your past. A memory only. Even if you could go back to that particular energy, you would not feel happy because you’ve changed.

It’s sort of like remembering how excited you were when you were five and got to ride a school bus and go to kindergarten. No matter how much fun and happiness that experience brought you, as an adult you’d be bored to tears. You’ve expanded your awareness of life. You know there’s more and would never be satisfied in kindergarten class.

If you feel like you’re not as happy as you were, here’s a technique that’s backed by neuroscience to help create new neuro pathways in your brain in resonance with feel-good endorphins.

  1. Next time you notice something beautiful like a sunset, a child’s smile, flowers in a ditch, or you’re enjoying something like a conversation, great food, caring for your pet, pause for an extra 7 seconds in the moment.

  2. Place you hand on your heart.

  3. Take a deep breath

  4. And say to yourself, “More please.”

This simple mindfulness technique creates powerful, lasting changes in the way your brain operates. By taking the pause to enjoy your moment, your brain gets the message this is the experience you’re looking for. Your focus shifts and you’ll automatically start noticing more of the things that bring joy. 😊

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment