Exhausted? Try this


One of my favorite books that was on the suggested required reading list for Healing Touch certification is The Magus of Strovolos written by Kyriacos C. Markides. This is about a modern-day mystic who reportedly accomplished many miraculous healings such as mending a broken bone as proven by x-rays.

I’m currently rereading this book as I find so many great tools to help a person feel better. Here’s a powerful meditation the author learned when experiencing exhaustion:

  1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and begin deep breathing.

  2. As you breathe, start to notice how every muscle in your body begins to relax from your feet to the top of your head.

  3. After three minutes of deep breathing, bring your attention to your toes and begin to slowly move your focus up your body to the solar plexus (navel area).

  4. Imagine a large white-blue ball of light covering your whole belly inside the area and around your body.

  5. Keep breathing slowly and deeply while keeping your thoughts focused on the ball of light for three minutes.

  6. Without losing the image of the white-blue ball of light, move further up inside your body to your chest near the heart.

  7. Imagine another ball of light smaller in size glowing a beautiful white-rose color over your heart.

  8. Both spheres of light permeate each other at their edges but don’t change color.

  9. Breathe in this way for another three minutes, witnessing the white-blue light covering the lower part of your body and the white-rose light in the upper part of your body to your neck.

  10. Bring your focus into the center of your head and imagine a smaller bright golden light that engulfs your entire skull and radiates six inches beyond it in every direction.

  11. Concentrate on this ball of light and see it in every part of your head inside and out for three minutes.

  12. Now visualize your entire body bathed within a brilliant white light in the shape of a shimmering egg. This is your aura.

  13. For three minutes, feel every part of your body within this gorgeous luminous light.

  14. Say to yourself, “May peace reign inside my entire material body, and harmony within my psychic body. May absolute tranquility prevail in my thoughts.”

  15. Breathe deeply for three more minutes, soaking in this light.

According to the author who received the meditation from the Magus, the white-blue color is to keep the body in good health, the white-rose and gold colors help purify and keep in harmony the psychic (feelings) and noetic (mind or thought) bodies. I often use gold with a combination of these colors when I am in session with a client. 

What I can say personally after using the meditation—it works for me. I feel better, energized but relaxed, a little buzzy, and clear-minded. See what you think of it.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment