Have you bought into the unworthiness myth?


There’s a theme I hear fairly often that has to do with unworthiness.

For some people if they don’t have what they want they feel like it’s a worthiness problem. Like they’re not worthy to have what they want whether it’s health, wealth, love, happiness, career, family, friendship, and so on.

For others who feel blessed with what they have, it seems guilt rides shotgun with unworthiness as they seem to feel they don’t deserve all the good in their life.

Both unworthiness themes carry anxiety and sorrow, creating a debilitating hormonal cocktail within the body that lowers its vibration and opens it to disease.

So, let’s talk about it. Let’s dispel the myth of unworthiness once and for all.

Wait a minute… Did I say that unworthiness is a myth?

Yes. And worse. It’s a lie. There’s no such thing as unworthiness and never could be. It’s a total fabrication generationally planted within the human psyche through the worst kind of conditioning—that somehow you are not enough, that you are weak, that you could get your life wrong, that you are sinful and unworthy at birth.

An interesting example of a partial origin of this myth is the number 666. Most of us have been told that this is the sign of the devil. Complete garbage.

The human DNA is composed of Carbon-12 which has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. The number 666 relates to the subatomic particles that make up carbon in our bodies. This myth suggests that somehow our humanness is evil.

And this is just one way people are told they are unworthy and have something to fear within themselves.

But here’s another thought to consider—you were born worthy because there’s nothing else you can be. You are an individuated frequency in form (or soul) of That Which Creates (God).

There is only the one of you in this human form showing up exactly as you in this moment in time. You are unique and can never be replicated, therefore never compared.

No one else can be you. NO ONE. It’s not about worthiness and never can be because no one is worthy to be you except you. Only you know what it means to be you and only you can decide that.

To be unworthy of anything is like saying you’re not worthy to be you, but no one else can be you. The whole concept (lie) of unworthiness breaks down with logic. Your worth has always been guaranteed right from birth because you are completely unique without compare. And there’s nothing in this world or any other that can make this untrue.

Believe in you. Trust that quiet inner guidance that is uniquely yours. Live in the full understanding you are the only one who determines what your life means because you were born to do that. You are the miracle of Life experiencing its uniqueness.
The invitation this week is to revisit ways you felt good about something you achieved or experienced and notice how worthiness had nothing to do with it. You simply knew it was possible for you and chose it without doubt, fear, or reservation.You went with your inner knowing and the experience followed.

All life energy responds this way. Worthiness has nothing to do with it.  

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment