Is your comfort zone your prison?


Recently, I had the privilege of being part of the transformational Winds of Change retreat held along the beautiful shoreline of Lake Superior. A powerful experience filled with laughter, bravery, and inspirational magic.

We met every day in a large conference room on yoga mats to learn and experience DNA healing, yoga, chakra clearing, and breathwork.

On the third day I noticed something interesting—people seemed to plop down on the same mat in the same space. I moved around though not super conscious about it, just what I did. 

One of the lovely souls on the mat next to me was a bit fidgety and couldn’t understand why. I said, “It’s because I’m in your space. You were in this spot yesterday.”

Her eyes got wide with the truth of it. She admitted what she was feeling was a bit like trying to eat with the nondominant hand. In just three days without realizing it, she had become attached to a specific spot in the room as “hers.”

And because she was in a different spot, it messed with the order of most of the people’s positions. One by one we saw the brief look of confusion in the expression of everyone coming into the room. Only the ones that got there before us were on the same mat in the same location.

So, what does this mean? Without recognizing it, we’ve checked ourselves into our own prisons. We’ve unconsciously become conditioned into the smallest versions of ourselves in favor of a false sense of security. Instead of forging ahead into new territory out of curiosity and joy, for most of us treading into the unknown has become super uncomfortable if not downright terrifying.

We’ve learned this from childhood by unconsciously (or consciously) being assigned to the same place at the dinner table, the same place while riding in the car, seated in school, in church, in lecture halls, office cubicles, etc. We drive the same roads, eat the same foods, buy the same colors of clothes, vacation to the same places with the same people, and on it goes.

We’ve heard the words “no” and “don’t” a LOT, along with “you can’t, it’s not safe, something bad will happen.”  

This is how we’ve squelched the limitless life within us into something small and contained in order to feel comfortable, safe, unchallenged. This is not life. It’s death.

But if you can change things up a little and make the choice to “sit” somewhere different even though it feels odd for a moment, then your world automatically becomes larger. By breaking through your unconscious conditioning, you expand into more of the true nature of you. 

This week, I encourage you to find one thing you can act on to end your unconscious conditioning. You will find this one step goes a long way into helping you feel comfortable anywhere in the world you find yourself, especially in your own skin.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.