Why go on a retreat?


Why go on a retreat?

The simplest answer: To discover more about you in a supportive environment with people who want the same thing as you do.
Why taking the time to learn more about yourself is important?

Because once you understand and experience who you are at a core soul level, fear goes away and confidence skyrockets. You begin to feel as if there’s nothing you can’t handle. Life truly becomes fun again and works FOR you.

I recently came back from the Winds of Change retreat that I had the privilege of helping facilitate and here’s some of the comments from the participants:

  • “I feel like a new person. My feet and legs are so much better. I was able to get on my elliptical again. I’m so happy as I could barely walk before (severe neuropathy from chemo). I feel calm.”

  • “I’ve always journaled every morning. I start with gratitude, then the plan for the day, and lastly my fears and resentments. After the retreat I couldn’t think of any fears or resentments.”

  • “No anxiousness since the retreat. I’m sleeping all night. No more ruminating thoughts at night.”

  • “Such an empowering time. I could not believe how great everyone got along and supported each other.”

Retreats take you out of your normal life distractions so you have a chance to get to know yourself better and what you’re capable of.

Kristine Kieland and I are offering a next level opportunity in consciousness to support you in discovering the innate abilities you were born with. We call this retreat The Discovery Tour—a 7-day Alaskan cruise.  There’s no better place than the pristine natural world of Alaska to remember who you are and practice powerful skillsets that are innately yours.

What you will discover about you on this tour:

  1. How to trust your stellar intuition taught through fun interactive experiences

  2. How your energy system works through the physical senses and the subtle intuitive senses

  3. An introduction to your guidance team and how to discern their signature energy

  4. How to get accurate information you can trust from anything—whales, icebergs, sky beings—anything

  5. How different beings operate. Calling them in to play

  6. How to bring in your own Light Body

  7. Levels of Consciousness and why that’s important

  8. Your distractors that keep you stuck in a loop

You will get clear guidance, hands-on techniques, and channeled activations to help you tap into your unique soul signature and discover a part of yourself you didn’t know existed.

Onboard, you’ll enjoy amazing food, live entertainment and hot music for dancing the night away! Book a massage, lounge by the pool, go shopping, set up an excursion, explore each port of call. 

And let’s not forget the stunning view! Icebergs calving, crystal waters, star-filled skies, picturesque harbor towns, temperate rainforests, whales and wildlife. 

And of course, we’re going to have FUN. You know we both love to laugh! Transforming doesn’t have to be hard work.

We have room for three more participants ready to discover their amazing inner world where all freedom and creation exists. If this sounds like your way of healing and growing, click the link to sign up.:
The Discovery Tour with Kristine and Mary — mary m. bauer (marymbauer.com)

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment