Breathing and counting can clear your mind
Last week I shared some forms of nontraditional active meditation that help me still my mind such as baking cookies, cleaning the house, painting, and taking a shower. These activities work for me. My mind is put to use without allowing it to chatter nonstop. Others might find sewing, running, gardening, or putting a jigsaw puzzle together work for them. I also spend time in the morning sitting quietly journaling and feeling the energy inside me.
All these ways connect me to what I call God or Source. I’ve learned over the course of several decades that the more peaceful my mind, the more connected and happier I feel. The more connected I feel, the more peaceful and happier my life, and the more creative I am.
This isn’t a new revelation. For thousands of years cultures worldwide have practiced some form of meditation including yoga and prayer for its many benefits. Benefits science can now measure in the body. Here are a few:
Significantly lowers the blood pressure reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Boosts the immune system
Improves pain management
Reduces stress, anxiety, depression
Sleep quality improves
Addictive behaviors decrease
Increases self-awareness and focus
Promotes a positive life outlook and improved self-image
Now who doesn’t want all these good things? Of course, we all do. But if you’re someone who says, I can’t meditate. My mind is full of thoughts and I can’t stop them. Meditation doesn’t work for me. I hear you!
And I’m also going to say, please don’t be hard on yourself. Recognizing you have lots of thoughts and they won’t stop is a good thing, because before you allowed your mind to ramble nonstop and didn’t realize it. Now you know and can do something about it.
Here’s another active meditation that can help tame the addictive thoughts and bring peace of mind:
Take a deep breath and keep your focus on the inhale and exhale.
Now start counting your breaths, but count each inhale and exhale as one unit.
Count up to twenty-five. (You should have 25 inhales, and 25 exhales.)
Once you reach 25, start over with one. If you drift off into your mind, just bring yourself back to the breath and start over with your count.
The counting helps keep your mind from straying. Try to do this meditation twice a day for 15 minutes each time. This is a lot like any training. You have to practice and you will begin to see results—a calmer mind, and a healthier body and outlook.
And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.
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