Are you creating with choice or desire? Do you know the difference?


Today I want to talk about the difference between choice and desire. Two tools used to create your life, but with very different results.

First, let’s look at choice which feels like option, right? But as an energy intuitive, I can tell you that when you make a choice about anything, you are also creating the opposite. No matter how it appears, if you choose one thing over another you are really choosing both at the same time.

In other words, if you choose celebration, at some point you will also experience devastation. If you choose peace, you will also experience hostility, and so on.  


Because Source is indivisible. It is Whole. It is the one absolute you cannot change. You can’t just pick half of it no matter how many choices or affirmations you make.


You can create like the master you are, as has every master before you. You can skip the choosing and go straight to desire.

Umm…ok. How do you do that?

Only create what you desire. Desire is something straight from your heart. It has no opposite. It is love expanded. Desire will always feel like something you want to do, something you yearn to do.

  1. Desire creates intention: I’m intending my desire into form.

  2. Intention creates thoughts: I’m forming the thoughts that help bring my desire into form.

  3. Thoughts create action: This is what I need to do to bring my desire into form.

  4. Action creates form: Here is my desire in my reality, no longer pure energy, but energy now in solid form.

Sounds great, right? But how does this really work? Here’s an example:

It’s my heart’s desire to share information about our ability to create our best lives. My desire creates the intention that I will create my desire. Once I intend to create my desire of sharing information, I start getting thoughts about how I can do that. One of these thoughts is to create a weekly newsletter. I take action on my thoughts by writing my newsletter, and wha-la! My newsletter now exists in form as a product of my desire.

Pay attention to HOW you’re creating your life. It makes all the difference.  

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.