A powerful brain hack to create the life you want


Why, why, why? Why aren’t you using this brilliant word more often to create the life of your dreams? When you ask yourself really intriguing questions, you automatically enlist the help of your brain to create your desired reality.

The questions you ask challenge your own belief systems and as your brain searches your data file for the originating belief, it automatically hacks the system like a computer and rewrites the program to what you now believe.

Thought by thought by thought you created your beliefs. This easy little hack roots out those beliefs and creates new neuro pathways in your brain. Genius, hunh! 

Formulate your ‘why’ questions almost like a statement of something that’s already been created. For example, I’m working on looking younger. Three days in a row, while I was taking my walk, I asked myself:

“Why do I have the vibrant, energetic body of a 30-year-old?”

Within that timeframe four people told me they couldn’t believe how young I looked.

Get how this works? State your question as if it’s already the way your life is, and your brain starts working to make it your reality. Source energy then complies with your new truth, and the Universe suddenly seems like a super friendly place, helping you see evidence of your dreams coming true.

Think of your own questions, but here’s some to get you started:

  • Why does my income increase by 50 percent every month?

  • Why do I have such perfect eyesight?

  • Why am I always surrounded by love?

  • Why am I always in the right place at the right time?

Our brain loves a good teaser. And given an intriguing enough question, it becomes our best ally for creating our desired reality.

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment